Congratulations, SPEAKs Students!

by Rachael Pishtek

SADD National provides an program for select SADD students across the nation to participate in a in program called SADD SPEAKs (Students for Policy, Education, Advocacy & Knowledge). 

This program gives high school students a chance to gain life long skills in an intensive training program. This year, students are being asked to develop an advocacy plan to address an impaired driving issue (distracted, drowsy, drugged or underage drinking & driving) The program includes three components:

1. An online training that will focus on public speaking, coalition building and basic advocacy skills.  

2. A visit to Washington, D.C. for four days and three nights where students will meet with representatives of national organizations focused on traffic safety, Congressional staff and federal agency staff. These students will also get the unique opportunity to plan and moderate a briefing for hill staff on teens and impaired driving!

3. After their D.C. visit, students will put their new skills into practice by working to influence local, state and/or federal policy as well as leading SADD's efforts to mobilize thousands of SADD students across the country.

Northern Lights would like two congratulate two of our students who were accepted into the program! Adam of Bismarck, ND and Lauren of New Rockford, ND who are both members of the 2016 to 2017 NLAB!Click here to learn more about these amazing students!



About the Author

7Rachael Pishtek

Rachael Pishtek is a SADD alumna who served on the Northern Lights Advisory Board for two years and as the North Dakota representative on the National Student Leadership Council 2011-2012.

Pishtek, a 2015 graduate of Concordia College,  now works in marketing and development for Northern Lights Youth Services.

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