The Ninth Day of #SADDmas!

by Rachael Pishtek

   My name is Wayne and I have been working with Northern Lights for the past 13 years and I am currently an executive board member. Northern Lights offers youth and communities meaningful and genuine insights to destructive behaviors. I have seen the work of Northern Lights in my everyday life, especially when one very mainstream student returned from the NL SADD conference with a renewed sense of purpose. He became an ambassador for the mission of SADD on our local level as well as becoming a member of the Northern Lights Advisory Board.

   SADD represents a movement and lifestyle that we, as adults, want fostered in our youth. It is a student driven affirmation of positive role-modeling. I believe that for peers, the education provided by SADD is authentic and relatable. Peers are the most influential “communities” for youth.

   As a board member, I would like to see Northern Lights continue grassroots efforts of validating today’s destructive behaviors. An example is cyber bullying. Kids know and need SADD to help heal and change.

Please support this mission and cause, the power of change is in your hands!

About the Author

Rachael Pishtek

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